Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The 20 Most Often Asked Questions About Network Marketing

Q. Can Network Marketing be done successfully part-time?

A.'s very common in fact. You can start your Network Marketing business on a part-time basis without giving up your current source of income until your Network Marketing business is generating the income you require. And the best part is that you can continue to operate indefinitely on a part-time basis. What would you do if you were financially independent and most of your time was free to do with as you pleased? This is why so many people are flocking to Network Marketing. And that's why we say that Network Marketing puts the freedom back in free enterprise!

Q. Do I have to sell products door-to-door or hold parties or meetings?

A. No. One of the greatest features of Network Marketing is that success can be achieved using a wide variety of methods. You choose the methods that YOU are comfortable with; whether that means internet, social media, direct mail, distributing catalogs, telemarketing, meetings, one-on-one, in-home parties, via fundraisers, commercial accounts, and so on.

Q. Isn't Network Marketing one of those pyramid schemes?

A. Definitely not. Though Network Marketing and pyramid schemes do share some similarities, there's a very important difference that makes the latter illegal. You see, in pyramid schemes, income is generated solely on the process of recruiting others into the pyramid. Sometimes a product or service of questionable value is involved (that is never retailed to the general public by the way), but generally what you're buying is the right to recruit others into the scheme. This is illegal. Also, in pyramid schemes, those who get in first and who are at the top win, while everybody else loses. In a legitimate Network Marketing company, on the other hand, distributors are paid only on product movement; not on recruiting. Both at wholesale and retail. There's also compensation based on the training and managing of your marketing team. And unlike illegal pyramids, in Network Marketing, no matter where you're positioned or when you join, you can advance to the very highest income levels and even make more money than those above you in the network.

Q. I'm not a salesperson, so this probably isn't for me.

A. Actually, studies have shown that people with no sales experience do great in Network Marketing. In fact, the studies show that they often do better than those with previous sales experience. This is because Network Marketing isn't about selling; at least not in the way most people think of selling. There's no place for arm-twisting or high-pressure techniques in Network Marketing. Rather, Network Marketing is simply about sharing the concepts and products of your Network Marketing company that you use and you're excited about.

Q. How much money can I make?

A. The bottom line is you'll get out of it what you put into it. It works...if you do. But that's the beauty of it, too; you are in control; it's up to you how far you take it. And don't forget, the income you create in Network Marketing is residual. This basically means that for the work you do just today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but for years to come.

Q. Do I have to sponsor a lot of people to be successful?

A. No, if you can sponsor just one or two people every month or so, you can do great in Network Marketing.

Q. What's so important about sponsoring in this business anyway?

A. It's like this: it doesn't matter how intelligent, rich, energetic, or dynamic you are; we are all limited to the same 24 hours a day. By sponsoring, however, you can overcome this limitation. By sponsoring, you can virtually clone yourself and have dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people all working indirectly on your behalf on their time -- and receive a cut of everything they do. 

Sponsoring also builds your security in this business. Why? In most traditional businesses, what happens if you become ill or disabled and are unable to service your customers? Or perhaps you just want to take a nice long vacation? Whatever the case, you could lose most if not all of your income overnight because it relies on you being there. That's not owning your own life and that's certainly not financial freedom.

Through the process of sponsoring and building a downline in Network Marketing, however, you can create total financial freedom for yourself. With a downline of independent business people working for you, you no longer have all your eggs in one basket. On the contrary, because each person in your downline has a vested interest in continuing and building their own businesses, you create an income that is non-dependent upon you -- an income that can continue, even grow, indefinitely with or WITHOUT you. 

Q. Do I have to stock and deliver products?

A. Most Network Marketing companies today allow its distributors (and often even retail customers) to order direct from the company. The company simultaneously tracks your commissions, credits your account, and automatically sends you a check for the total amount due. 

Q. Isn't Network Marketing just another "get-rich-quick" scheme?

A. No, "get-rich-quick" is a fairy tale. It just doesn't happen in the real world. Sure, there are a few exceptions, but they're extremely rare. In fact, if overnight riches is your dream, your odds are probably better playing your state lottery than doing it in business -- any business. 

Q. I couldn't get involved in Network Marketing. It's not a "real" business.

A. It's very real. Network Marketing is now a multi-billion dollar industry involving millions of independent business people and major U.S. corporations like Colgate-Palmolive, Gillette, Sprint, and MCI, just to name a few. And it's a rapidly-growing international force, too, with thousands of Network Marketing companies already in operation in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Basin. 

Q. If Network Marketing is so great, why aren't more people involved?

A. That can be summed up in one word: Misconceptions. The general public just doesn't understand what Network Marketing is or its potential. But that's finally starting to change. Right now it's estimated that only about 2% of the U.S. population is involved in Network Marketing. But industry experts predict that that number could climb to 10% by the end of this decade. You can position yourself to take advantage of this trend by getting started in Network Marketing now. The timing is great for getting involved!

Q. What are the costs involved in starting and operating this kind of business?

A. Virtually all Network Marketing companies require you to first purchase some kind of "Starter Kit." This is a one-time cost, and is usually less than $100. In addition, of course, you'll have monthly expenses for office supplies, postage, advertising, etc. A total of $50-$150 dollars per month is probably a realistic expenditure to expect. Anyone can afford this amount of money without jeopardizing their current lifestyle while they're trying to build a better one. And here's some more good news -- most, if not all of that, is tax deductible. 

Q. What if I can't afford to buy extra products.

A. You're not supposed to. Network Marketing companies just want you to replace those products you now buy elsewhere with the equivalent-but-higher-quality products your Network Marketing company manufactures. By doing so, you'll likely save money since you now get to buy at wholesale. Plus, it only makes sense to buy from yourself -- to buy from "your own store."

Q. I've tried Network Marketing before and it didn't work for me.

A. Let's say you've just moved into a new city and you decided to go out to eat that evening. Unfortunately, the food at the restaurant you picked turned out to be horrible. But just because of this one bad experience, you surely wouldn't swear off eating at all the other restaurants in the city, would you? Of course not! Network Marketing is no different. There are fair Network Marketing companies, great Network Marketing companies, and, yes, even some bad Network Marketing companies. But Network Marketing works! You just need to link up with the right company.

Q. I don't have the cash right now to get involved in Network Marketing.

A. Get it! If a brand new $80,000 Mercedes were offered to you for $100, would you find the money somehow to buy it? Go and get the money because your own Network Marketing business could be worth a lot more than that Mercedes.

Q. I can see how others have become successful, but I don't think I could do it.

A. People of every age, every background, from every walk of life are making it in Network Marketing today. If you have the desire, you can succeed in Network Marketing.

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