Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Simple LinkedIn Prospecting Strategy & How-To

A Simple LinkedIn Prospecting Strategy & How-To

Some network marketing leaders train their downlines to ask their prospects to send in a resume as a "screening" tool. It's especially common in Craigslist "employment" ads.
But you know what's bad about this strategy?
Keeping a resume up-to-date and even creating a compelling one is tough for lots of folks. I've screened hundreds of them and it's a crapshoot on whether someone makes it out of the pile and on to the list of callbacks.
Put On Your Prospect's Shoes For a Second
Step into your prospect's shoes for a moment and think about the struggle to keep a resume up-to-date and to make it stand out enough for you to call them. It's tough and time-consuming.
But creating a LinkedIn profile is simple. It's a form you fill out and the professional networking site makes suggestions on how to make your profile better every step of the way. Sure, you still need someone to proofread your profile and to update it, but wouldn't you find it easier to fill out a simple form than struggle with a Word template?
Thought so.
So, that's tip No. 1 today - If you don't have a LinkedIn profile, get one!
Next, when you place an ad looking for recruits, start requesting links to LinkedIn profiles in your ads instead of a Word or PDF resume.
LinkedIn Gives You Much More "Intel" Than a Resume
Now, let's talk about the strategy behind this. When someone sends you a link to their LinkedIn profile, you get some valuable information - their contacts. You can see who they know and get a better picture of them. You may have a contact in common.
You can look for ways to connect with them and their list of contacts via this stealth prospecting tool.
One of the keys to network marketing is to build a relationship with someone. When you look at them on LinkedIn and then head over to Facebook, you can gather some "intel" on them to use in your conversations - to start making that connection.
The How-To
Want to learn how to put this prospecting how to use LinkedIn to gather this "intel" for prospecting conversations and how you can enhance your own profile to maximize credibility? Get our four stealth LinkedIn network marketing prospecting tips on the blog in our latest LinkedIn infographic. 
 - First Class MLM Tools

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