Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How to Turn Your Ideas Into Action -- by Jim Rohn

Set up a new discipline when the idea strikes you—when it is hot and the emotion is strong.

by Jim Rohn  

Being genuinely disciplined requires that you develop the ability to take action. You don’t need to be too hasty, but you also don’t want to lose much time. The time to act is when the idea strikes us—when it is hot and the emotion is strong, before the feeling passes and the idea dims. If you don’t, you’ll fall prey to the law of diminishing intent. A month from now, the passion will be cold—a year from now, it won’t be found.

So take action.

Set up discipline when the excitement is high and your idea is clear and powerful. You’ve got to take action, otherwise the wisdom is wasted. The enthusiasm will soon pass, unless you apply it to a disciplined activity. Discipline enables you to capture the emotion and wisdom and translate that into action.3

The greatest value of discipline is self-worth, also known as self-esteem. Because once we sense a lack of discipline within ourselves, it starts to erode our psyche.

One of the greatest temptations is to ease up just a little bit. Instead of doing your best, you allow yourself to do just a little less than your best. Sure enough, you’ve started, in the slightest way, to decrease your sense of self-worth.

There is a problem with even a little bit of neglect. Neglect starts as an infection. If you don’t take care of it, it becomes a disease—and one neglect will lead to another. Once this has happened, how can you regain your self-respect?

Act now.

Start with the smallest discipline. 

Make the commitment: "I will discipline myself to achieve my goals so that in the years ahead I can celebrate my successes."

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Support Direct Sales

It’s time to join the millions in the direct sales industry calling for the passage of legislation to protect consumers and support direct sellers’ businesses.

House Resolution 5230—the Anti-Pyramid Promotional Scheme Act—is a win-win for consumers and our industry. The legislation helps steer consumers away from scams masquerading as direct sellers, provides clarity on business practices for companies, and supports your business and millions of people like you.

Making a big impact only takes one or two minutes—literally. To show your support, send a letter to your member of congress using this simple DSA form

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Zdanis USANA Team Recognition

Link of the Week - http://bit.ly/EarnYourWay
Zdanis USANA Team Recognition: May 21st - May 27th 2016

Preferred Customer Enrollers

4, Cristina Ramirez, El Paso, TX, US
2, Melissa Brice, Las Cruces, NM, US
1, Adyan Graziani, El Paso, TX, US
1, Caitlin Jones, Corpus Christi, TX, US
1, Jennafer Lairmore, El Paso, TX, US
1, Linda Murphy, Grimsby, ON, CA
1, Elizabeth Pasquale, Ossining, NY, US
1, Sheri Pellicotte, El Paso, TX, US
1, Margherita Scott, Clayton, NC, US
1, John Somogyi, La Vernia, TX, US

Top 50 Income Earners

1, Pete and Dora Zdanis, Philadelphia, PA, US
2, Bruce Pierce, Tempe, AZ, US
3, Bob Shehan, El Paso, TX, US
4, Norm Bryant, Albuquerque, NM, US
5, Yvonne Acosta, El Paso, TX, US
6, Richard Cameron, Langton, ON, CA
7, Carlos Landin Jr., El Paso, TX, US
8, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US
9, Wendy Murakami, Monson, MA, US
10, Jennafer Lairmore, El Paso, TX, US
11, Dr. Gary Young, Hartsdale, NY, US
12, Carol Sullivan, Las Cruces, NM, US
13, Pauline Puzynska, Langton, ON, CA
14, Sheri Pellicotte, El Paso, TX, US
15, Ruth Kohake, Cincinnati, OH, US
16, Elizabeth Pasquale, Ossining, NY, US
17, Robin Thomas, Chapel Hill, NC, US
18, Loa Crumb, Stoney Creek, ON, CA
19, Mike Grice, Hamilton, ON, CA,
20, Christina Blanco, El Paso, TX, US
21, Sandy Holcomb, Durham, NC, US
22, Cheryl Krantz, Great Falls, MT, US
23, Jim & Robin Molleur, Rio Rancho, NM, US
24, Dr. Chuck Misja, Hudson, OH, US
25, Theresa Surette-Fowinkle, Rio Rancho, NM, US
26, Thomas Madison, Alexandria, VA, US
27, Cody Blair, Las Cruces, NM, US
28, Andrew Kissinger, Schertz, TX, US
29, Nathan Madrid, Fayetteville, AR, US
30, Cynthia Inman, Chesterbrook, PA, US
31, Judy Adams, Portland, TX, US
32, Marissa Dena-Hernandez, El Paso, TX, US
33, Pat Sama, White Plains, NY, US
34, Melissa Hartinger, Davis, CA, US
35, Dr. Phillip Madison, Cocoa Beach, FL, US
36, Sandra McDonald, Hamilton, ON, CA
37, Cliff Norton, Ojai, CA, US
38, Keith and Nora Jones, Corpus Christi, TX, US
39, Dan Chorny, Overland Park, KS, US
40, John Chan, Doylestown, PA, US
41, Melissa Brice, Las Cruces, NM, US
42, Carolyn Bush, Mountain View, CA, US
43, Cheree Hanson, Barboursville, VA, US
44, Sherrie Bryant, Albuquerque, NM, US
45, Hannelore Allen-Savoie, Hampden, MA, US
46, Kristina Thorpe, Dunn Loring, VA, US
47, Michael Misja, North Canton, OH, US
48, Gail Garvin, Cincinnati, OH, US
49, Adyan Graziani, El Paso, TX, US
50, Cynthia Deveau, Buckhorn, ON, CA

Pete & Dora Zdanis
USANA Inaugural Foundation Executive Diamond Directors

24/7 USANA Training: www.YourLinksToSuccess.com
Voice/Text: 610-316-8637

Earn Your Way to Salt Lake City for the USANA International Convention

There’s nothing better than packing your bags and heading to Salt Lake City for our International Convention.

Unless, of course, we were to cover your travel costs.

During our Life Unlocked CVP Growth contest, you can earn your way to Salt Lake. Here’s how it works—you grow your business and we’ll track your growth.*

Keep building and we’ll measure your growth between June 4 and July 29, 2016, and compare it against your performance from the previous eight weeks (April 9–June 3, 2016). If your CVP goes up, you can earn points toward travel reimbursement.

Just think, each point you earn gets you that much closer to the excitement, camaraderie, and super helpful training that make up Convention. Plus, we’ve got some groundbreaking announcements you don’t want to miss.

Find out how you can qualify, pack your bags, and start earning your way to Salt Lake.

*Incentive is open only to Silver Directors and below who are registered for International Convention 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

USANA's Communication Edge is Now Mobile Friendly!

If you have gone into Communication Edge on The Hub lately, you will notice that it has a new look. That is because it has been enhanced to be accessible on all of your mobile devices.

To access it, open your mobile browser and go to www.usanacommunicationsedge.com (Note the “S” after “communication”.)

To login, enter your email address and password. You may need to reset your password. If so, just follow the on-screen instructions to do so.

Please also note that the Communication Edge widget is not yet available on The Hub mobile app, but according to USANA, will be in the near future.

If you have any questions, contact USANA Distributor Services.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Excuse Buster 21 of 22: "I Don't Know Where to Start"

Most of us have no problem coming up with perfectly valid reasons for not taking action. Our excuses may temporarily make us feel better, yet they do not bring any value to life. Excuses do not pay the bills, they do not solve problems, they just allow us to justify not taking action.

We will look at a long list of excuses, of reasons not to take action, and turn them on their head. For every excuse, a compelling answer is offered to counteract it. The result is a list of powerful reasons for taking action now.

1. What Would Other People Think?

Are you afraid of looking foolish for some reason? Why? You know what you need to do, and you’re committed to doing it. Don’t worry about looking foolish. What will really make you look foolish is if you just sit around making excuses. An honest effort is nothing to be ashamed of. What other people think is their problem, not yours. Let them think what they will. It doesn’t matter. Do what needs to be done. Get on with it.

2. It’s Uncomfortable

Sure it is uncomfortable to take action. But what is so great about comfort? Are you committed to comfort or to accomplishment? A cow grazing in a pasture is comfortable. You are capable of much more. You have possibilities to be explored, and to explore them you’ll need to get your hands dirty. But a little discomfort right now is much less painful than the regret you’ll eventually feel if you don’t ever take action. Discomfort can eventually be overcome, but regret will never go away. Get up out of your comfort zone and start making a difference.

3. I’ll Never Be As Good As ____

The only person you should compare yourself against is yourself. Your obligation is to do your very best. Don’t worry about how that compares to someone else. Just do it. Everyone is unique. Everyone has their own special contribution to make. You’ll only discover yours by taking action.  If you decide in advance that you’ll never be as good as so-and-so, then you forgo the opportunity to find your own unique skills. Winners refuse to even acknowledge the competition, by blazing new trails. Comparing yourself to others will only bring you down. Set off in your own unique direction.  Get into action make it happen.

4. It’s Too Complicated

Often a new task can appear complicated because you’re not familiar with it. Once you dive in, once you get a little experience, you’ll get the hang of it. Think of all the things you’ve learned in your life. You’re good at learning, and the best way to learn is to start taking action. Whatever you see as too complicated, there’s something about it that you can understand.  Use that as your starting point. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. That’s how you learn. There’s no reason to be ashamed about not knowing something. Everyone had to learn it at some point in time. Now is your time to learn. Dive right in, take on the challenge, take action, learn, grow and you’ll accomplish things you never thought possible.

5. It Will Take Too Long           
Then you better get started as soon as possible. It will take even longer if you sit around bemoaning the fact that it will take too long. Great accomplishments take time and effort. And the most fulfilling part of any accomplishment is not in finishing it, but in doing it. The journey is the reward, so be thankful that you’ll be rewarded over a long period of time.  If the end result suddenly appeared out of thin air, with no effort on your part, of what value would it be? If it will take a long time, then it will be valuable and worthwhile. So by all means get started as soon as possible. Start making it happen and enjoy the long, fulfilling journey.

6. No One Will Care Whether I Do It Or Not

That’s not true. You will care, and you are someone. The world is not anxious to hand success to you on a silver platter. If no one cares about you, it is probably because you don’t care enough about anyone else (or yourself for that matter) to do what it takes to make a life of accomplishment for yourself. If you start taking focused, directed action toward your goals, you can be sure that people will start to take notice.  The world is indeed indifferent to those who sit around and make excuses.  If that’s all you do, you’re right—no one will care. But if you stand up, step forward and take action, you’ll be amazed at how many people are waiting to cheer you on. What are you waiting for? Get busy and you’ll get noticed.

7. I Could Never Be Successful

Why not? What do you mean, “I could never”? Of course you could. You could indeed. If it can be done, you can do it. You’ve got to want it, of course.  And if you want it enough, you’ll do it. “I could never” is usually said wistfully, meaning “I wish I could, but I can’t.” That’s preposterous. You can if you really want to. Free yourself from your own limitations. What do you want to do? What will fulfill the enormous potential of your life?  Certainly not hiding behind “I could never.” You are capable of truly extraordinary accomplishments. You can do whatever you decide you’re going to do. You can find a way. Have the courage to live your possibilities.

8. I’m Overwhelmed

Sometimes you’re just so overwhelmed, you feel like throwing up your hands or crawling into a hole and curling up in the fetal position. WRONG! That’s exactly what you must not do. When you’re overwhelmed, that’s all the more reason to start taking the actions that will rectify your situation. When you’re overwhelmed is when you’re the most frustrated and the most motivated. Now is your chance to really take action with dedication and commitment. Don’t blow the opportunity. The frustration you feel is good, solid positive energy waiting to be released. If it is not released in a positive direction, there is a very big danger that it will become destructive energy. Use that frustration to your advantage. You’re overwhelmed? GREAT! Do something about it right now. Quit complaining and start taking positive action. If you’re overwhelmed it means that there are plenty of things which can be done, things which will most likely make a difference very quickly. Pick something and start doing it right now. As soon as you get busy your frustration will start pushing you forward.

9. I Don’t Deserve To Succeed
You are just as good, just as worthy, just as valuable as anyone. No one can intimidate you, no matter what kind of car they drive, or what their business card says, or how big their house is, or how big their factory is.  No one is better than you. You are the best there is. Inside you is the potential to do, or be, or have anything you desire. No one has more than that. Some may have progressed farther down the path at this moment, but that doesn’t make them any better than you. If you start to take action right now, you will be working your way down that same path. No matter what anyone says, or does, no matter what your situation—personal, financial, social or otherwise—you can choose to live your life in your own way.  And there is no greater success than that. But you must be the one to achieve your success. Though no one can hold you back if you’re determined enough, by the same token no one can do it for you. You’ve got to step up to the challenge, believe in yourself, and do what it takes. Right now is a great time to start. You deserve the best that life has to offer. Do whatever needs to be done to make it happen.

10. It’s Too Hard

Anything worth having, or doing, or being, requires effort. What if you could have whatever you wanted, again and again, just by snapping your fingers? And what if everyone else could, as well? How much would you value and appreciate the things you had? What would you do with your life, if there was no need for effort? Where would you find meaning, what would give you satisfaction?  The value of effort is not only in what it produces, but also in what it demands of you. The greatest opportunity in life is not for a free ride. The greatest opportunity is to be fully challenged, and to meet challenge with effective effort. The things we value are the things to which, and for which, we give of ourselves. There is no way around that.  Some of the hardest working people are those who are wealthy enough that they don’t need the money. However, they do need the effort, and the accomplishment, and the challenge. We all do. Without it, life is shallow and empty. Make the effort. Do it now. Start today to meet the challenge.

11. I’m Too Tired

What are you tired of? Doing nothing can be just as tiring as taking action. If you’re physically tired, then go to bed and get a good night’s rest. Then get up in the morning and get started. Whatever you do today, you’ll be tired tonight. You can be tired after a day of effective effort and accomplishment, or you can be tired after a day of getting nowhere. The choice is yours. If you’re going to be tired anyway, it makes sense to get something out of it. To put forth your best effort, to move in the direction of your goals, to make a difference, to make a life of excellence for yourself and the world around you. Take action toward an exciting goal, and instead of being tired you’ll be exhilarated.

12. It Won’t Matter Anyway

What you do, matters. You can make a difference if you choose to do so. If there’s something that needs to be done, doing it will make a difference.  You know that. Thinking that is won’t matter is just a petty rationalization. Of course it matters. If it doesn’t then find something else that does. You are a creative, effective person who is full of possibilities. The job at hand may not be the most important thing in the history of the world, but if it gets you into action, then it matters very much. Because no matter how small the effort or consequence, it is a start.  It revs up the momentum of the intelligent, creative, productive person that you are. And once you get going, there’s no telling how much you can accomplish. It all starts with taking action. Don’t hide behind the thinking that it won’t matter. Jump in and get started. It does matter. Do it now.

13. It’s No Fun               
How do you know if you haven’t even started it yet? Most things are precisely as enjoyable as we make them. Is making excuses fun? Look at what you need to do, and realize that it is an exciting opportunity to make a difference. Sure, there are probably tedious parts to the job. But look beyond those. Look all the way to the end. Look at what you will be accomplishing. It will probably be a lot more fun than you imagine. Just get started and you’ll see.

14. I’m Afraid I Would Fail

You never fail—you always succeed in producing results. If you don’t like the results you are producing, then you can learn from your mistakes and change your strategy. By taking action, you will not fail. In fact, the only way to fail is to not take action. By taking action you always achieve a result. The result could very well be the achievement of your goal, or it could be a learning experience that will eventually bring you to the goal you desire. But you never fail. After Thomas Edison had tried 9,999 times to perfect the light bulb, and had not succeeded, someone asked him if he was going to have 10,000 failures. Edison replied that he had not failed— that he had just discovered another way not to invent the electric light.  Failure is simply not an option. Everything you do has a result and eventually those results will lead you to the achievement of whatever you desire.

15. I’m Not Committed to This

Then why are you even considering it? If it’s something you know you need to do, then think about why. Find a reason that is meaningful and compelling to you, why you must take action. You may not be committed to this particular action, yet you need to do it because of something else to which you’re committed. Remind yourself of what that is. Remind yourself of why it is important. Get committed and do it, or move on to something else right now.

16. I’ll Do It as Soon as I Get Back On My Feet

Taking positive action toward your goals is precisely what will GET you back on your feet. If you wait for conditions to be perfect, that time will never come. Even if you could somehow get things perfect before taking action, problems and obstacles would come along soon after you started anyway, so why bother waiting. If something needs to be done, waiting will only make your situation worse. Yes, there are problems to deal with.  That’s part of the challenge. Just step right in and start to work on the first problem. When that’s solved, get busy on the next problem. Suddenly you’ll be making progress—infinitely more progress than if you waited for things to be perfect before starting. Stop waiting for things to be perfect. Start now. Get going. It’s the best thing you can do.

17. I’m Too Busy

What are you accomplishing with all that busy-ness? Simply being “busy” gets you nowhere. Stop being busy, evaluate your priorities, and start taking focused, directed action. Anyone can be busy, but so what?  Accomplish requires more than just burning up time. Accomplishment demands action and results. Stop being busy and start doing something today.

18. I Can’t Decide      
If you are having trouble deciding on a course of action, then there’s probably not all that much difference between the various choices. Evaluate them all objectively and sincerely. Project each choice into the future. If you still cannot decide which course of action would be best, just choose one. You can always make adjustments along the way. Going forward is much better than being paralyzed by the inability to make a decision. The optimal decision is the one that gets you where you want to go, and for that to happen you must pick one and make it work.

19. I Can Always Do It Later

Yes, that’s right. You can always do it later. And when it’s later, you’ll probably say the same thing. Nothing gets done by putting it off until later. The fact is, you are alive and making decisions right now. Right now is the period of time over which you have control. Right now is the time that’s available for you to take action. Action that is not taken now, doesn’t get taken. As you’re reading this, try to do something next week.  Really put out all the effort you can to get something done next week. Were you able to do it? Of course not. Because next week isn’t here, and it never will be. It is always now, and now is the time to act. Do it now and it will get done.

20. I’ve Already Tried

Trying is not enough. The only way to accomplish something is to do it, to do whatever it takes, to keep making the effort until the goal is reached.  If at first you don’t succeed, you’ve still learned something valuable about how to proceed. If you’ve already tried, that’s fine. Keep going.  Make use of that experience. You’ve got a valuable perspective on what works and what doesn’t. Stop trying and start taking whatever action is necessary to reach the goal. Learn from the mistakes and disappointments.  Keep going. Start right now to really make it happen.

21. I Don’t Know Where to Start

There is always something you can do, some step that will start to move you in the direction of your goal. Envision the ultimate goal, and work backwards, step by step, until you arrive at something that can be done right now. Then do it. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Take that step right now, and then the next one. Repeat until done.

Check back soon for Excuse Buster 22 of 22: "Why Not?"

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Zdanis USANA Team Recognition

Zdanis USANA Team Recognition: May 14th – May 20th, 2016

New Associate Team Members

• Sharon Boles, El Paso, TX, US 
• Annette Golucke, El Paso, TX, US 
• Aaron Hearn, San Jose, CA, US 
• Ricky Mendez, El Paso, TX, US 
• Oscar Nieto, El Paso, TX, US 

Title Advancements

• Sheri Pellicotte, El Paso, TX, US - Achiever 

• Myra Velasquez, El Paso, TX, US - Sharer

Associate Sponsors

3, Sheri Pellicotte, El Paso, TX, US 
1, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US 
1, Kenneth Wiesinger, Roanoke, TX, US 

Preferred Customer Enrollers

3, Cynthia Deveau, Buckhorn, ON, CA 
1, Yvonne Acosta, El Paso, TX, US 
1, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US 
1, Annette Golucke, El Paso, TX, US 
1, Adyan Graziani, El Paso, TX, US 
1, Julianne Koritz, Highland Beach, FL, US 
1, Douglas Payne, El Paso, TX, US 
1, John Somogyi, La Vernia, TX, US 
1, Kenneth Wiesinger, Roanoke, TX, US 

Top 50 Income Earners 

1, Pete and Dora Zdanis, Philadelphia, PA, US 
2, Bruce Pierce, Tempe, AZ, US 
3, Bob Shehan, El Paso, TX, US 
4, Norm Bryant, Albuquerque, NM, US 
5, Richard Cameron, Langton, ON, CA 
6, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US 
7, Sheri Pellicotte, El Paso, TX, US 
8, Thomas Madison, Alexandria, VA, US 
9, Ruth Kohake, Cincinnati, OH, US 
10, Yvonne Acosta, El Paso, TX, US 
11, Bradley Guile, El Paso, TX, US 
12, Kingsley Hallerdin, Sarasota, FL, US 
13, Pauline Puzynska, Langton, ON, CA, 
14, Elizabeth Pasquale, Ossining, NY, US 
15, John Chan, Doylestown, PA, US 
16, Sandy Holcomb, Durham, NC, US 
17, Carlos Landin Jr., El Paso, TX, US 
18, Shay Stockdill, Anaheim, CA, US 
19, Cliff Norton, Ojai, CA, US 
20, James Rovegno, Chautauqua, NY, US 
21, Dr. Chuck Misja, Hudson, OH, US 
22, Jennafer Lairmore, El Paso, TX, US 
23, Dr. Gary Young, Hartsdale, NY, US 
24, Robin Thomas, Chapel Hill, NC, US 
25, John Mansfield, Kirkland, WA, US 
26, Loa Crumb, Stoney Creek, ON, CA 
27, Sandra Wilson, Alamogordo, NM, US 
28, Robyn Burke, Madison, VA, US 
29, Todd Stoutenborough, Laguna Niguel, CA, US 
30, Andrew Kissinger, Schertz, TX, US 
31, Jon Konoski, Williamsport, PA, US 
32, Mike Grice, Hamilton, ON, CA 
33, Patrick Freeman, El Paso, TX, US 
34, Kristina Thorpe, Dunn Loring, VA, US 
35, Theresa Surette-Fowinkle, Rio Rancho, NM, US 
36, Robert Martin, Spring Lake, MI, US 
37, Tina Kroll-Guerch, Alexandria, VA, US 
38, Judy Adams, Portland, TX, US 
39, Thomas Chorny, Campbell, CA, US 
40, Myra Velasquez, El Paso, TX, US 
41, Jodi Morales, El Paso, TX, US 
42, Cody Blair, Las Cruces, NM, US 
43, Michael Misja, North Canton, OH, US 
44, Carolyn Bush, Mountain View, CA, US 
45, Chris Shehan, El Paso, TX, US 
46, Lori Morris, Rio Rancho, NM, US 
47, Sandra McDonald, Hamilton, ON, CA 
48, Cynthia Inman, Chesterbrook, PA, US 
49, Jeffrey Van Tassel, Dover Plains, NY, US 
50, Evelyn Bristol, Ludlow, MA, US 

Pete & Dora Zdanis
USANA Foundation Executive Diamond Directors

New USANA Products, New USANA Enrollment Packs

As you may be aware, USANA recently introduced an entire new product line – MySmartFoods.

You can learn more about the MySmartfoods products in the new USANA Product Information Book

Also introduced were all-new Discounted Product Packs, featuring MySmartFoods products, which are available to new Associates only at the time of their USANA enrollment.

Below are details about each of the new Discounted Product Packs, as well as complete USANA product pricing and enrollment information.  

Click Here ->  Healthy Lifestyle Pack – Item #411** - Preferred Price: $700.95 – 512 Sales Volume Points (SVP)
Activates 3 Business Centers – US Only  

Click Here ->  Digestive Detox Pack – Item #426** - Preferred Price $405.55 – 300 Sales Volume Points (SVP)
Activates 1 Business Center – US Only 

Click Here ->  Healthy Foundation Pack – Item #421** - Preferred Price $373.50 – 252 Sales Volume Points (SVP)
Activates 1 Business Center – US Only

** Items 411, 426 and 421 are not subject to the 10 percent Initial Order Reward since they are already discounted. Please refer to the current USANA US Product Price List (Click Here: US Product Price List ) or request a Price List for other countries for details on the individual USANA product prices and Discounted Product Packs.

Canadians: USANA Canadian Product Prices, including Product Pack Options, at this link: Canadian Product Price List

For complete information on how to enroll as a USANA Associate, go to: USANA Enrollment Process.

Please contact us by voce/text at 610.316.8637 or by email at petezdanis@comcast.net with any questions.

Pete Zdanis

Thursday, May 19, 2016

USANA Adds Another Best of State Statue -- The BOSS® -- and Five Additional Best of State Medals to its Achievements

News Release

SALT LAKE CITY, May 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Becoming the best takes years of hard work and dedication, but remaining the best is an even bigger challenge. Yet USANA Health Sciences (NYSE: USNA) continues to prove why it is an industry leader and how it's making Utah a better place to live. The global nutritional company, headquartered in Salt Lake City, recently added five Best of State medals as well as the coveted Best of State Statue—the BOSS®—to its already impressive list of accolades in the categories of personal care, beverage, dietary supplements, research and development, and employer.

"We are delighted to have our efforts recognized year after year by such a prestigious, local awards organization like Best of State," said USANA's chief communication officer, Dan Macuga. "Every year, our research and development team is tasked with staying at the forefront of health and nutrition. At our 2016 International Convention, we are going to push the envelope even further by introducing a scientific breakthrough that will heighten our status as the premier leader in dietary supplement innovation."


. 43 Best of State awards since 2003

. Four prestigious Best of State Statues in the merchandising and consumer services category

. 13 years for best dietary supplements

. Eighth medal for USANA's Sense™ Self-Preserving Technology skin-care line

. Eight consecutive years for best beverage — Rev3 Energy®

. Six years for best health and nutrition products

. Fourth consecutive win for the research and development department

The Best of State Awards were created in 2003 to recognize outstanding individuals, organizations and businesses in Utah. Best of State candidates are evaluated by a panel of 100 judges based on three criteria: achievement in the field of endeavor; innovation or creativity in approaches, techniques, methods or processes; and contribution to improving the quality of life in Utah.

USANA currently sells its award-winning products in 20 international markets and sponsors more than 1,000 elite and professional athletes worldwide.

About USANA  

Founded in 1992, USANA Health Sciences (NYSE: USNA) is a U.S.-based nutritional company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care and healthy products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City. Learn more about USANA by visiting our website http://www.usana.com or the official USANA blog http://whatsupusana.com.

Media Contact: Ashley Collins  
Executive Director of PR and Social Media  
(801) 954-7629  

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:
SOURCE USANA Health Sciences

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Lifestyle Improvements Are As Effective As Medications In Reducing Diabetes Risk

May 18, 2015

At a Glance:

People with impaired glucose tolerance are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which can reduce life expectancy by up to 15 years. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, compared to individuals who received standard advice only, the effect of lifestyle changes resulted in a 49 percent reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Read more about this research below: 

A meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal consolidated evidence from 17 clinical trials that studied the effects of lifestyle, drugs, and other methods on men and women with impaired glucose tolerance. Results showed that intervention can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in high risk individuals, and lifestyle changes seem to be at least as effective as drug therapy. Compared to individuals who received standard advice only, the effect of lifestyle changes resulted in a 49 percent reduction in the risk of developing diabetes. Exercise alone or exercise combined with a healthier diet was more effective than diet alone. Oral diabetic medications were also effective in delaying or preventing diabetes, but were not as effective as lifestyle changes. Orlistat, an anti-obesity drug, was also effective in reducing risk when compared to control groups.

Although both medications and lifestyle changes were effective in reducing the risk of diabetes, diet and exercise were associated with considerably fewer adverse effects than pharmaceuticals (typically gastrointestinal effects and reduced liver function). Since it is fundamentally a lifestyle issue, the authors had concerns about the practice of treatment with a lifelong course of medication, especially since even minor adverse effects become more significant if a medication is to be taken for life. But they also noted that compliance is generally the key when it comes to lifestyle interventions, so strategies to improve compliance need to be enhanced and put into action.

Read more:


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Zdanis USANA Team Recognition - Week Ending 05.13.2016

Zdanis USANA Team Recognition: May 7th – May 13th, 2016

New Associate Team Members

·         Karl Lessmann, Copley, OH, US  
·         Bradley Wilcox, Hamilton, ON, CA

Associate Sponsors

1, Richard Cameron, Langton, ON, CA
1, Dr. Chuck Misja, Hudson, OH, US  

Preferred Customer Enrollers

2, Bruce Pierce, Tempe, AZ, US  
1, Regine Amaro, El Paso, TX, US  
1, Rick Bischoff, Albuquerque, NM, US  
1, Jokeisha Garrett, El Paso, TX, US  
1, Bart Hunter, Washington, UT, US  
1, Jennafer Lairmore, El Paso, TX, US  
1, Lori Morris, Rio Rancho, NM, US  
1, Wendy Murakami, Monson, MA, US  
1, Margo Scott, Clayton, NC, US  
1, Ken Wiesinger, Roanoke, TX, US  

Top 50 Income Earners

1, Pete and Dora Zdanis, Philadelphia, PA, US  
2, Bruce Pierce, Tempe, AZ, US  
3, Bob Shehan, El Paso, TX, US  
4, Norm Bryant, Albuquerque, NM, US  
5, Richard Cameron, Langton, ON, CA
6, Nathan Madrid, Fayetteville, AR, US  
7, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US  
8, Yvonne Acosta, El Paso, TX, US  
9, Pauline Puzynska, Langton, ON, CA
10, Robin Thomas, Chapel Hill, NC, US  
11, Ruth Kohake, Cincinnati, OH, US  
12, Thomas Madison, Alexandria, VA, US  
13, Sandy Holcomb, Durham, NC, US  
14, Cody Blair, Las Cruces, NM, US  
15, Carlos Landin Jr., El Paso, TX, US  
16, Cynthia Inman, Chesterbrook, PA, US  
17, Wendy Murakami, Monson, MA, US  
18, Cheree Hanson, Barboursville, VA, US  
19, Virginia Pizzichemi, Monson, MA, US  
20, Michael Misja, North Canton, OH, US  
21, Cliff Norton, Ojai, CA, US  
21, Jeffrey Van Tassel, Dover Plains, NY, US  
22, Sandy McDonald, Hamilton, ON, CA
23, John Chan, Doylestown, PA, US  
24, Elizabeth Pasquale, Ossining, NY, US  
25, David Young, New Westminster, BC, CA
26, Dr. Chuck Misja, Hudson, OH, US  
27, Bradley Guile, El Paso, TX, US  
28, Sheri Pellicotte, El Paso, TX, US  
29, Loa Crumb, Stoney Creek, ON, CA
30, Carol Sullivan, Las Cruces, NM, US  
31, Jackie Horton, Las Cruces, NM, US  
32, Peter Harwell, El Paso, TX, US  
33, Kristina Thorpe, Dunn Loring, VA, US  
34, Michael Corner, Stoney Creek, ON, CA
35, Jim & Robin Molleur, Rio Rancho, NM, US  
36, Cheryl Sandella, Fountain Hills, AZ, US  
37, Velma Grose, Chapel Hill, NC, US  
37, Camilla Warren, Federal Way, WA, US  
38, Dr. Phillip Madison, Cocoa Beach, FL, US  
39, Ken Wiesinger, Roanoke, TX, US  
40, Michelle Provencio, Las Cruces, NM, US  
41, Sharlene Desteph, Monson, MA, US  
41, Deborah Richter, Cary, NC, US  
42, Carolyn Bush, Mountain View, CA, US  
43, Margo Scott, Clayton, NC, US  
44, Dr. Gary Young, Hartsdale, NY, US  
45, Tiona Lee, Parkville, MD, US  
46, Joy Sharpe, Dundas, ON, CA
47, Dan Chorny, Overland Park, KS, US  
48, Jamie Fee, Las Cruces, NM, US  
49, Robyn Burke, Madison, VA, US  
50, Julia Burke, Madison, VA, US  

Pete & Dora Zdanis
USANA Foundation Executive Diamond Directors

24/7 USANA Training: www.YourLinksToSuccess.com

Voice/Text: 610-316-8637

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Zdanis USANA Team Recognition - Week Ending 05.06.2016

New Associate Team Members

·         Jerramie Beck, Cebu, CEB, PH
·         Rafaela Navarro, Rio Rico, AZ, US
·         Cristina Ramirez, El Paso, TX, US

Associate Sponsors

1, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US
1, Bruce Pierce, Tempe, AZ, US
1, Ken Wiesinger, Roanoke, TX, US

Preferred Customer Enrollers

2, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US
1, Cody Blair, Las Cruces, NM, US
1, Melissa Brice, Las Cruces, NM, US
1, Norm Bryant, Albuquerque, NM, US
1, Lucio Campos, El Paso, TX, US
1, Loa Crumb, Stoney Creek, ON, CA
1, Sophie Culver, Truth Or Consequences, NM, US
1, Sharlene Desteph, Monson, MA, US
1, Adyan Graziani, El Paso, TX, US
1, Deborah Horton, Dona Ana, NM, US
1, Tina Kroll-Guerch, Alexandria, VA, US
1, Jennafer Lairmore, El Paso, TX, US
1, Bob Shehan, El Paso, TX, US
1, Jessie Wilcox, Hamilton, ON, CA,
1, Dr. Gary Young, Hartsdale, NY, US
1, Pete and Dora Zdanis, Philadelphia, PA, US

Top 50 Income Earners

1, Pete and Dora Zdanis, Philadelphia, PA, US
2, Bruce Pierce, Tempe, AZ, US
3, Bob Shehan, El Paso, TX, US
4, Richard Cameron, Langton, ON, CA
5, Norm Bryant, Albuquerque, NM, US
6, Carlos Landin Jr., El Paso, TX, US
7, Dr. Chuck Misja, Hudson, OH, US
8, Irma Aragon, El Paso, TX, US
9, Dr. Gary Young, Hartsdale, NY, US
10, Robin Thomas, Chapel Hill, NC, US
11, Ruth Kohake, Cincinnati, OH, US
12, Elizabeth Pasquale, Ossining, NY, US
13, Sandy Holcomb, Durham, NC, US
14, John Chan, Doylestown, PA, US
15, Pauline Puzynska, Langton, ON, CA
16, Sandy McDonald, Hamilton, ON, CA
17, Yvonne Acosta, El Paso, TX, US
18, Michael Allgeier Sr., Erie, PA, US
19, James Rovegno, Chautauqua, NY, US
20, John Mansfield, Kirkland, WA, US
21, Angela Middaugh, Sutton West, ON, CA
22, Robert Nanney, Tumwater, WA, US
23, Jennafer Lairmore, El Paso, TX, US
24, Linda Murphy, Grimsby, ON, CA
25, Lori Morris, Rio Rancho, NM, US
26, Carol Sullivan, Las Cruces, NM, US
27, Loa Crumb, Stoney Creek, ON, CA
28, Theresa Surette-Fowinkle, Rio Rancho, NM, US
29, Marci Smith, Springfield, PA, US
30, Cindy Inman, Chesterbrook, PA, US
31, David Gabriele, Etobicoke, ON, CA
32, Wendy Murakami, Monson, MA, US
33, Kristina Thorpe, Dunn Loring, VA, US
34, Cheryl Krantz, Great Falls, MT, US
35, Velma Grose, Chapel Hill, NC, US
36, Kingsley Hallerdin, Sarasota, FL, US
37, David Lichtenstein, Dunlap, IL, US
38, Bettina Wittemeier, Toronto, ON, CA
39, Bradley Guile, El Paso, TX, US
40, Kenneth Wiesinger, Roanoke, TX, US
41, Nathan Madrid, Fayetteville, AR, US
42, Jim & Robin Molleur, Rio Rancho, NM, US
43, Dani Linkhart, Arvada, CO, US
44, Cody Blair, Las Cruces, NM, US
45, Frances Parker, Laurelton, NY, US
46, Sophie Culver, Truth Or Consequences, NM, US
47, Virginia Pizzichemi, Monson, MA, US
48, Judy Adams, Portland, TX, US
49, Thomas Thompson, Raleigh, NC, US
50, Rosanne Traficante, Cape May, NJ, US

Pete & Dora Zdanis
USANA Foundation Executive Diamond Directors

24/7 USANA Training: www.YourLinksToSuccess.com

Voice/Text: 610-316-8637