Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Your Prospect Has Googled #USANA. Now what?

- by Pete Zdanis

The Situation:

You’re working with a prospect who is very motivated, enthusiastic and interested in USANA.

You’ve answered all of their questions, and they’ve indicated they may be ready to sign up.

You schedule a follow-up call to enroll them.

However, in the meantime, your prospect (or a well-meaning friend or spouse) has decided to do some “research” on USANA by doing a “Google search”.

If anyone digs deep enough and hard enough, they can discover negative opinions, articles or even “news items” about USANA (or anything else, for that matter.) Every company, person or cause has its detractors. Guaranteed! The internet has made it easier than ever for those detractors to make their voices heard.

Since your prospect doesn’t yet have all the pertinent facts relative to any given issue, and their belief level regarding USANA has not yet been established, their natural reaction is to dismiss USANA as a viable option for them.

Remember: A confused mind always says “No”.

When you call back, your prospect tells you they are no longer interested because of “something they read on the internet”.

Now what?

First of all, what you should NOT do is dismiss or minimize your prospect’s concerns ( i.e., “That’s not true.”; “Do you always believe everything you read on the internet?”; “I don’t deal with negative thoughts.”, etc.), but rather address them head-on.

Remember, our business is all about our prospects and what they need, want or don’t want in their lives. While you know that what the prospect has discovered is not true, their concern is very real to them and they will not move forward with you and USANA unless and until the concern is addressed to their satisfaction.

Tell the prospect that you appreciate their concern, and ask them what the specific issue is. Don’t accept generalities such as “I heard USANA is a scam” or “I read that USANA is a bad company.” Those are simply opinions with no factual grounds. Find out the specifics behind the concern, and keep the conversation focused on facts, and not emotion.

If you are familiar with the issue, address it immediately.

If you are not familiar with it, tell your prospect that you will investigate the matter and get back to them with your findings. Depending on the nature of the subject, you may want to start by contacting one of your upline leaders for guidance. Other options may include the USANA Legal/Compliance Departments.

Then be sure to get back to your prospect with your findings as soon as possible.

Be Prepared – Be Informed

The best way to be able to deal with these situations is to anticipate ahead of time that they will come up from time to time, and keep informed about your company and your business.

I am NOT suggesting that you waste your time scouring the internet for any possible negative items about USANA. (Remember that clicking on negative items only serves to help increase their visibility on the search engines.) But rather, keep informed – and stay informed - on issues as they arise.

You should also keep up to date with all of USANA’s news releases. You can find them at 
https://ir.usana.com/news-events/press-releases This link allows you to access all USANA news releases dating back to January, 2007.

I would also recommend that you share this link with your prospects, especially those with concerns. This will help insure that they have accurate, factual information about USANA to include in their decision making.

Some Final Thoughts

Understand that you may not be able to satisfy every prospect’s concerns. Some people just choose to focus on negatives, whether they are real or imaginary.

However, you owe it to your prospect, and yourself, to make sure that they have all the facts necessary to allow them to make an informed decision.

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