Thursday, April 22, 2010

Are You a Perpetual PaceSetter?

Perpetual PaceSetters – Who are they, and why should you want to be one? - by Pete Zdanis

“I dream of a world free from pain and suffering.
I dream of a world free from disease.
The USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth.
Share my vision.
Love life and live it to its fullest
in happiness and health.”

Dr. Myron Wentz, Founder and Chairman
USANA Health Sciences

With Dr. Wentz’s vision in mind, ask yourself the following two questions:

. Am I really committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision with the world?

. Is my USANA business truly a business, or is it really only a hobby that I pursue when it’s convenient for me to do so?

Virtually every USANA Associate will answer that they are certainly committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision with the world, and just as many will likely proclaim that they are operating a USANA business.

I would argue, however, that the reality is something different altogether.

Let me give you an example………..

I recently spoke to a group of approximately 800 USANA Associates. I asked how many of them were committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision. Every hand went up.

I then asked how many of them have a USANA business. Again, every hand went up.

I then asked how many of them were PaceSetters or Platinum PaceSetters. Approximately 250 people raised their hands.

Finally, I asked how many of them have personally sponsored an average of at least two new Associates per month since they joined USANA. Twenty-five people raised their hands.

A sampling of just 800 USANA Associates out of the tens of thousands around the world may or may not be statistically significant. However, I do think it indicates a pattern.   

Do you see something of a “disconnect” in these numbers? I certainly do. Let’s take a closer look………

The Vision

First, let’s talk about commitment to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision.

I’m sure that every person who raised their hand in response to the first question believes in Dr. Wentz’s vision, but I have to wonder about their commitment, since only twenty-five, or about 3%, of them have sponsored an average of two new Associates per month since they joined USANA.

Now, before you dismiss me as being too focused on “the business” and sponsoring new Associates, and not placing enough emphasis on “the products”, consider the following:

When Dr. Wentz founded USANA in 1992, he made a decision on how USANA would market what he knew would be among the finest nutritional supplements in the world.

Rather than selling USANA products through retail stores, health professionals, medical facilities, catalogs, mail order, etc., Dr. Wentz chose network marketing. Among the reasons for that decision was the fact that he knew that satisfied customers who personally realized the benefits of the USANA products would be the best sales force he could possibly assemble – “word-of-mouth” or “referral marketing”.

Dr. Wentz also discovered that the referral process could be accelerated and sustained by utilizing a fair and lucrative compensation plan – “multi-level marketing” or “network marketing”.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Over the past seventeen years, USANA’s products have come to be recognized as being among the best in the industry. USANA’s record-setting sales and financial performance has clearly caught the attention of the financial and investment communities. The outstanding USANA business plan has been recognized by entrepreneurs around the world as second to none. For example, USANA has received the coveted “Distributors Choice” award from MLMInsider Magazine for an unprecedented ten straight years.

Consider that all of this has been accomplished with only 3% of USANA Associates personally sponsoring an average two new Associates per month. Just think how large USANA would be today, and how many more people would be benefitting from USANA’s products, if that number were 5%, 10% or even 20%!

Let me suggest that the 3% of USANA Associates who are sponsoring an average of two new Associates per month are committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision, while the remaining 97% are participating in sharing the vision, when it’s convenient for them to do so.

Think of the example of a breakfast of ham and eggs, which requires two animals – a pig and a chicken. The chicken contributes to that breakfast menu while the pig is truly committed!    

Clearly, if one is truly committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision, the best way to do so is to sponsor new Associates to assist in our efforts.

The Business

Again, only about 3% of those people who stated that they have a USANA business have sponsored an average of two new Associates per month. Granted, some of them are new to the business and are just being trained, etc.

Also, some people may have a different definition of a “business” or a “hobby” than others do

An Associate who sponsors some new Preferred Customers and/or Associates now and then, and earns a $100 or $200 commission check every once in a while may consider themselves as having a USANA “business”.

I don’t agree.

In my opinion, a USANA Associate has a business when they are consistently and diligently approaching and presenting to prospects, on a full-time or part-time basis, consistently sponsoring new Associates and Preferred Customers, and making retail product sales to those who may not be interested in becoming an Associate or Preferred Customer. These efforts can lead to creating weekly commissions and, eventually, a residual income that can approach or surpass what the Associate may be earning in their existing non-USANA job or career.

To state it simply, based on my personal observations and opinion as a USANA Associate over the past 15 years: A USANA Associate who is sponsoring an average of two new Associates per month, in addition to complying with all USANA Policies and Procedures, clearly has a USANA “business”. Anything less than that is, in my opinion, open for debate.

Before you criticize me for minimizing or dismissing the role of Preferred Customers and Retail Customers, let me assure you that I am not. Preferred Customers and retail sales are a critical part of any USANA business.

However, as indicated in the vision discussion above, consider how many more people can be reached, how many more USANA products can be sold, and how much more your USANA income can grow by sponsoring new USANA Associates who can, and will, duplicate your efforts.

And let’s not forget some of the themes and messages we have all heard and shared over the years: “The Power of Two”; “Two a Day and Followup Will Pay”, etc. These are much more than just catch phrases. They are concepts that work. Just ask any USANA Gold Director or above, or any new Associate who is on their way to those levels.

The PaceSetters and Platinum PaceSetters

Last, but certainly not least, let’s consider that just 10% of the PaceSetters and Platinum PaceSetters in this sampling indicated that they are personally sponsoring an average of two new Associates per month.

What’s up with that?

These people know how to sponsor two or more new Associates in a relatively short period of time. They’ve proven that by their past actions.

Why did they stop? Why are they no longer leading by example? Why are they no longer committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision or building a USANA business? Were they satisfied just by receiving a shiny PaceSetter pin and the “bragging rights” that come with wearing it?

I don’t have the answers to those questions. However, if you are a PaceSetter or Platinum PaceSetter, I would recommend that you ask, and answer, those questions for yourself now.

The Perpetual PaceSetter

Let’s now discuss, and celebrate, those hard-working and dedicated USANA Associates who are sponsoring an average of at least two new Associates per month – month in and month out.

I consider these people to be the “bedrock” of the USANA Associate base. They are the people who are primarily responsible for the phenomenal growth and solid performance of USANA over the years.

They are committed to sharing Dr. Wentz’s vision, and they are clearly building a legitimate USANA business.

They know what it takes to succeed, and they do it.

I call these people “Perpetual PaceSetters” for obvious reasons.

The Most Important Person

Finally, let’s talk about the most important person in this equation – YOU.

If you are content with using USANA products for your own personal benefit – great!

If you are using USANA products for your own personal benefit and occasionally making retail sales and sponsoring Preferred Customers and Associates to earn enough money with your hobby to cover the cost of your USANA products, that’s even better!

However, if you believe in Dr. Wentz’s vision and are committed to sharing that vision with others, and you are serious about building a business with USANA which can provide you, your loved one and your heirs with financial security, then let me recommend that you consider becoming a Perpetual PaceSetter, if you aren’t already.


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