Monday, August 30, 2010

Creating Something From Nothing - by Bob Burg

by Bob Burg

Recently on Twitter, I found a link from SellingPower Founder Gerhard Gschwandtner to an extremely inspiring story. It had to do with a sales team that explored a way to find more people to serve where (or, I should say, when!) most would not have looked.

Yes, this took place back in 1949. Yet, today, when so many are complaining about the economy, it brings to mind just how great our economy can be when we are willing to proactively seek ways to create something out of nothing.

So, take a look. Notice how many of those prospects were delighted to be helped. Fortunately, for them, they were approached through this very creative action.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that what worked for Mr. Wedge’s team would or wouldn’t work in your particular business. I guarantee you, however, that there is always something you can do to create more value opportunities for others and give yourself the edge.

Remember, while we cannot control the economy, we can absolutely control our economy.

But it won’t be from standing around complaining. 

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